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Release 5.23 (December 3, 2022)

  • 17 February 2023
  • 0 replies

Hello, and welcome to our final product release of the year. 😍 

StandOut 5.23 went live on Saturday, December 3, 2022, and it brings two big updates that we hope you’ll love: 

  • In July, we released a new look and feel for our Reporting space. Following that, several of you participated in user interviews and shared lots of thoughtful ideas. We’ve addressed many of those with this December release! Thank you again, and look for even more Reporting updates in January.
  • We also released a new & improved digital version of Milestone Connect this cycle, which we’re super jazzed about. We’ve heard from many of you that you’d like to be able to complete and track these conversations in StandOut, and now you’ll have that option! 

Grab a holiday-themed hot chocolate and scroll down for more details...


💪🏼 Other fun strengths news for you this cycle includes:

  • TMBC's VP of Performance Acceleration, Amy Leschke-Kahle, talks about the risk of over-precision in measuring knowledge-based performance and how working from home has potentially benefited employee engagement in this HR Data Labs podcast.
  • In the midst of this busy holiday season, here's some encouragement from Marcus Buckingham (TMBC namesake and the Head of Research, People + Performance at the ADP Research Institute) to remember the purpose of holiday rituals.

Release Date: December 3, 2022

Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or


Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:

Introducing the new and improved, digitized Milestone Connect!

Reporting Updates: 

NEW “Incomplete Performance Pulses” Usage Report

Attention Gap Reporting Update - More guidance

All Reports Update - Audience viewer banner

All Reports Update - Easier date selection

Engagement Reporting Update - Updated Global Engagement benchmarks

Engagement Reporting Update - Team leader info

Engagement Reporting Update - Custom questions visibility

Engagement Reporting Update - Inactive team leader metadata visibility

Usage Reports - Last updated date/time stamp

Team Leader Dashboard - Tool tip added to define Static and Dynamic team terminology


Milestone Connect
Enhancement: NEW Digitized version available in StandOut


We are pleased to share that Milestone Connect will now be available to complete in a new, digitized format, which will now be fully integrated into the StandOut platform! Building on the connection established by weekly Check-Ins, a Milestone Connect enables a team leader and team member to have a deeper dive strengths-based conversation about the team member's work. It provides an opportunity to reflect on key strengths, wins, and challenges over a longer time period, to develop an even more effective partnership and guide future work. Click the video here to learn more and see both the team leader and team member experience using this new feature.

All users who have the Check-In feature enabled can utilize Milestone Connect; please connect with your CS or DC partner to turn it on for your organization. 


New Feature: NEW “Incomplete Performance Pulses” Usage Report


A new Incomplete Performance Pulse Usage Report has been created to identify individuals who have not had a Performance Pulse submitted by their leader within a selected date range. 


Enhancement: Executive Dashboard > Attention Gap updates 


Several changes were made to provide context and clarity around data that’s reflected within the Attention Gap card. Both the “Range of Likely Values” tool tip and “Learn More” modal have been updated to further clarify threshold criteria and data included. 


Enhancement: Audience viewer banner


For users who are viewing Audience level reporting in any of our reporting areas, we’ve created a banner to make it clear that they may be viewing a restricted data set based on permissions set by their system administrators.


Enhancement: Date Selection Update 


Until now, when modifying selected reporting dates, users had to reselect both the start and end date. Thanks to client feedback on this feature, we’ve updated our date pickers to enable users to select and modify reporting start and end dates independently of each other.



Enhancement: Updated Global Engagement benchmarks 


Country & Industry benchmark data in Engagement Pulse Reporting has been updated with 2022 ADP Research Institute findings.


Enhancement: Engagement Reporting Update - Team Leader info


We’re adding details about the team leader to the results modal header within Engagement Reporting. Previously, this header only showed the team name. With this release, it now also shows the team leader’s name and avatar, top 2 StandOut Roles, Engagement Pulse launch & close dates, and a count of team members invited and that responded to the Engagement Pulse.


Enhancement: Engagement Pulse custom questions visibility 


Any custom questions that have been added to an Engagement Pulse and their corresponding results will now be visible in the detailed report for team leaders to reference.



Enhancement: Inactive Team Leader metadata now included in Engagement Pulse results 


To allow users to filter historical Engagement Pulse reporting that includes team leaders who have become inactive, we’ve added in their last know metadata values.  This metadata will now be included in exports from the Engagement Pulse and Usage Reports pages in Reporting.



Enhancement: Usage Reports last updated stamp


To align with our other reporting pages, we’ve added a ‘Data Calculated on’ label below all individual Usage Reports, reflecting date, time and time zone.


Enhancement: New tool tip added in the Team Leader Dashboard


To provide users with clarity on terminology, a tool tip has been added to the Team Filter dropdown in the Team Leader Dashboard, providing definitions for Static Teams and Dynamic Teams.