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StandOut Near-Term Roadmap - September 2023

The items listed below are tentative and intended for directional planning purposes. The details and assigned releases of each item are subject to change at any time. Release dates may also change as needed.October 14, 2023Release 5.30 StandOut InsightsIn an effort to provide practitioners with better visibility into the meaning and implications of StandOut data, we're creating a new feature called StandOut Insights. This feature will provide you with the story behind your organization's data, surface trends, and share actionable coaching to help you drive employee engagement and StandOut adoption. PartnershipWe're partnering with to provide non-enterprise Assessment takers with the opportunity to better understand their Assessment Results by connecting them with 3rd-party StandOut Debrief Certified Coaches via the platform. As of the 10/14 release, free assessment takers will see a button to find a coach on the interface where they receive their assessment results Product Ideas in StandOut CommunityWe love hearing product ideas from StandOut users, so we're creating a space within the StandOut Community to facilitate meaningful conversations around future enhancements and use cases. Your ideas make our platform awesome, and we're committed to partnering with you to hear what you'd like to see next! Engagement Pulse Debrief TrackerWe're creating a new tool to help organizations better understand and track which leaders are taking action on their team's Engagement Pulse results, and how valuable completed debrief conversations were to all participants.  StandOut Introduction EmailNew StandOut users can now be warmly welcomed into the platform with an automated email. When configured on, this email will be sent to new users once they are added to your organization's User File. Admin users can configure this to meet their unique timelines.December 2, 2023Release 5.31 StandOut Knowledge BaseWe're making it easier than ever to find relevant content within StandOut by adding an embedded widget that will serve up curated Knowledge Base articles right in the platform - meeting you right where you are, with the answers you need! Notification SchedulerStandOut users will now have the ability to customize on which days and times they receive email notifications. We're so pleased to be able to deliver reminders and coaching tips to your inbox at a time that is best for you! StandOut Strengths Coaching CertificationThe newly revised StandOut® Strengths Coaching Certification, including a deeper dive into TMBC’s strengths coaching model, provides professional coaches with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to coach individuals from a strengths-based perspective. This certification combines virtual classroom learning, 1:1 mentoring with a TMBC-certified coach, and peer-to-peer coaching to build a solid foundation for becoming a strengths-based coach. Conversations UX UpdatesThanks to user feedback shared in listening sessions, we're planning a few upgrades for the Conversations user experience, including adding clarity around when a Conversation should be marked as "complete" and allowing edits to be made during live Conversations.January 13, 2024Release 5.32 Conversations EnhancementsWe're excited to bring several enhancements to our Conversations feature, to facilitate even more connection within your organization. The "Our Check-In Partnership" and "Getting to Know You" Conversation Guides are being upgraded to Interactive Conversations, and a new Conversation Guide focusing on mentorship and growth will be available. Shareable Engagement Pulse ResultsAn enhancement is coming your way that will make it easier to share out Engagement Pulse results, helping leaders to give better visibility both to their teams and their leaders. Engagement Pulse Debrief CustomizationOrganizations will soon be able to add custom questions to the Engagement Pulse Debrief survey (introduced with Release 5.30), allowing you to collect data specific to your organization's unique needs. Engagement Pulse Reporting EnhancementsWe're working to make Engagement Pulse reporting even more accessible by creating the ability to export charts and heat maps so that you can easily share them out with others. Snapshot SharingSoon it will be easier than ever to share your unique strengths and tendencies with others; we're creating the ability to share a link directly to the Snapshot page to facilitate quick and easy strength communication.


StandOut Community Product Ideation Guide

Read me first and follow the outlined stepes if you would like to Submit an Idea for a feature that is currently not offered or have input regarding the way things work: 1. SearchIf there is already an Idea or a Discussion on the topic you are thinking about, great! Simply head over and engage on the existing Idea:Vote Up  Comment on the thread with additional specifics.  It always helps to build on the existing engagement of an idea rather than trying to build it from scratch. 2. Create an IdeaIf you cannot find an existing Idea or Discussion that’s related to your topic, then select “Submit an Idea” on the Ideas landing page.An Ideal Idea format:Subject: The high level objective of your IdeaDescription: Details should clearly define your Requirements. Make sure to include:A clearly defined use case or business problem that is not met with current functionality. For enhancement requests, provide detailed requirements for the functionality that you’re seeking. You can include links to related ideas/docs to explain why existing functionality does not meet your needs. Be detailed, illustrate if you can to bring out all the components. Make sure you are using all the Product area/module names Highlight the value this feature would bring for the broader community of users like you. Tags contribute greatly to ‘find-ablility” so make sure you fill out all the keywords and phrases as tags to your post3. Submit your IdeaSelect the Feature you want to Submit under from the Product Area dropdown and click submit P.S. You will not be able to edit once you’ve Submitted the idea.This is introduced so that we lock in the original requirement submitted and rule out any chances of changes in the Scope of what’s defined so please review once the Idea body and then hit Submit. What happens after you submit your Idea?When you Submit your Idea, and it begins to pick up activity (a.k.a Votes and Comments) it is reviewed by the product manager who is responsible for the related feature area to determine next steps. The details you provide help the PM to understand the importance of the request as they consider whether to include the enhancement in their roadmap. (Product ideas submitted through Ideas are weighted using a number of parameters including number of votes, complexity, impact, reach and alignment with the strategic roadmap among other factors)It’s never a straight route from Idea Submission to Done, however we will make an effort to ensure that the status on the idea reflects the current status of the feature:New - Thank you for your submission! The Product team looks forward to reviewing your idea in the coming weeks. Reviewing - Your idea is currently under review by the Product Team. Depending on the scope and scale of the submission, this review could occur over multiple weeks Considering - The Product team is actively discussing this idea but it hasn’t been formally committed to on the roadmap or in development plans. On the Roadmap - Great news - the Product team has incorporated this idea into the product roadmap. Congrats! Delivered - The Product team has decided to add this item to their roadmap… and it’s DONE! Congrats!  Closed-Duplicate - After review, the Product team has determined this item is a duplicate to another (in this case the idea will be merged with the original idea) Closed - We reviewed the idea and we will not add to our roadmap. This could be because of the complexity of the idea, the value it might return, or the idea is not aligned with our product strategy 


The Year So Far

Hello, friends!Summer is just kicking off 🌞, but can you believe we’re already almost half-way through 2023? This weekend’s StandOut 5.28 release contains some behind-the-scenes updates and our new Building Connection through Standout position paper. This cycle, we’d like to take this time to reflect on some of the new features and updates we’ve brought to you so far in 2023. See below for a glimpse of what we’ve been up to this year, and as always please check out our Roadmap to see what’s in store for the next few releases.💌You’re invited!  Please join TMBC’s Vice President of Leader Development, Amy Powell, for a one-hour webinar: Building Connection through StandOut. The second in a series of topic-based discussions, the webinar will take place Wednesday, August 23 at 10 am – 11 am PST.We’ll discuss research by TMBC on the importance of leader and peer relationships at work, and share tools and strategies to help people build strong, meaningful connections. Register now to learn more.All registrants will receive a recording of the webinar and post-webinar tools to use with your teams.  💪🏼 Other fun strengths news for you this cycle includes:Workers are spending more time in meetings these days, whether it be in front of a camera or in the office. Amy Leschke-Kahle, TMBC’s Vice President of Performance Acceleration, shares how you can Avoid Meeting Overload and maximize your time ⌚. Check out the latest edition of the ADP Research Institute’s Today at Work to learn how to cultivate talent brand promoters within your organization 🎉. Being a great leader doesn’t have to be complicated or hard😵; we’re sharing with you the Not-So-Secret Sauce To Leading In The New World Of Work. The Year So Far: What StandOut has Brought to You! We’ve been working hard to bring you many new features and enhancements this year, all with the goal of supporting engagement and connections across your teams. Please read on for a recap of some of the big changes brought to you by StandOut over the past six months. Helping You Build Connections at Work💫 Team Activities: In January we released multiple updates to our popular Team Activities feature, and we quickly followed up in February with the release of 4 NEW Team Activities. Many of you have been leveraging these already in meetings with teammates, colleagues, and other partners to build connections, all leading to engagement. Each of the new Team Activities allow facilitators to choose from prompts to facilitate discussions with participants that tie into the key themes of StandOut: values, strengths, recognition, and what’s to come. If you haven’t tried them yet, please do!  It’s a fast and fun way to engage differently with people--and anyone can participate! Check out the video below to learn more: Conversations: Many of our clients were searching for ways to help employees feel more connected to their leaders, their teammates, and their colleagues, so in May we released our new Conversations feature to serve as a connection hub for all members of your organization. This feature houses the new-and-improved Interactive Milestone Connect experience and several Conversation Guides to lead you through meaningful interactions at work. Giving You Better Visibility into How It’s Going🔍 Roll-up Reporting: Those of you who have people reporting to you who also have people reporting to them have been enjoying insight into those teams below you since the April release of Roll-up Reporting. Leaders of leaders are using this data to drive engagement within their teams and organizations and giving their next-level team members the attention they deserve. See how it works in the video below.  New Usage Reports: With the addition of our new Team Activities and Conversations features, we of course added reporting to help our StandOut practitioners understand how these features are being used across their organizations. Check out the new Team Activities Usage Report and Conversations Usage Report.New Usage Reports Other Reporting Enhancements: We’ve made many enhancements and tweaks throughout the year to increase transparency and give you visibility into the metrics you need in an easy-to-use format. Some recent Reporting Enhancements included improvements to the user experience when applying filters and the ability to easily view audience-level data within Check-In Adoption Reporting.  Making it Easier for You to Do Your Work and Shine🌟 StandOut Knowledge Base: The StandOut Knowledge Base moved into its new home 🏘 in February, and we’re so glad that many of you have stopped by!  If you haven’t visited yet, please come anytime to access Knowledge Base articles or contact StandOut support--we’re here to help you feel STRONG as a StandOut user! “Discover StandOut” SCORM eLearning Content: Sharing the “Discover StandOut” trainings is easier than ever now that it’s available in a handy SCORM Wrapping. Clients are loving the ability to plug this into their own LMS to track content creation for new hire orientation and new user onboarding.  Long Term Priorities enhancements: Organizations that use Long Term Priorities are enjoying several enhancements: the character limitation has been increased and they’ve been conveniently added to the Check-In History export, enabling Leaders to more easily access them.Exporting Long Term Priorities via Check-In History StandOut Team Member Certification: We’ve created a new, compact, and engaging StandOut Team Member Certification program that makes it even easier for facilitators to become certified in StandOut’s core strengths concepts. Milestone Connect notifications: As a fast follow to our big December release of the NEW Digitized Milestone Connect, we created additional platform notifications to keep the process flowing for both Team Members and Team Leaders so that you can be sure to have these meaningful discussions. Engagement Pulse Custom Guidance Links: We’ve provided the option for StandOut administrators who add additional questions to the Engagement Pulse to leverage custom guidance links to extra guidance created by their organization on how to interpret and act on survey results.  🗨 Let us know!  Which of the new features and enhancements above have been most valuable to you and/or your organization? 😍 

Related products:Engagement PulseReportingLeader DevelopmentTeam ActivitiesMilestone ConnectConversations

StandOut Near-Term Roadmap - June 2023

The items listed below are tentative and intended for directional planning purposes. The details and assigned releases of each item are subject to change at any time. Release dates may also change as needed.August 5, 2023Release 5.29 Strength Statement BuilderStrengths are the foundation of StandOut, and we're creating a tool to help users quickly identify existing strengths so they can begin leveraging them to find love in their work. Conversations Magnet Peer Review Enhancement for Healthcare clientsWe're building a solution for our Healthcare clients that will enable them to satisfy Magnet requirements right in StandOut, eliminating the need to leverage multiple systems. StandOut Platform French-Canadian Localization AuditAs we continue to expand StandOut globally, we're always working to ensure that our users around the world have the best experience possible. Users who have selected French (Canada) as their StandOut language will notice some updates this release following a full platform localization audit that we're conducting. Building Connection through StandOut - WebinarOur Leader Development team will be back with another webinar focused on Connection. We'll discuss research by TMBC on the importance of leader and peer relationships at work, and share tools and strategies to help people build strong, meaningful connections. Please plan to join us on August 23rd from 10 am - 11 am PST.  Register here!October 14, 2023 (new date)Release 5.30 StandOut InsightsIn an effort to provide practitioners with better visibility into the meaning and implications of StandOut data, we're creating a new feature called StandOut Insights. This feature will provide you with the story behind your organization's data, surface trends, and share actionable coaching to help you drive employee engagement and StandOut adoption. StandOut Introduction EmailNew StandOut users will be warmly welcomed into the platform with a new automated email, which will be sent to new users when they are added to your organization's User File. Admin users can configure this to meet their unique timelines.  Engagement Pulse Debrief TrackerWe're creating a new tool to help organizations better understand and track which leaders are taking action on their team's Engagement Pulse results. StandOut Strengths Coaching CertificationThe newly revised StandOut® Strengths Coaching Certification, including a deeper dive into TMBC’s strengths coaching model, provides professional coaches with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to coach individuals from a strengths-based perspective. This certification combines virtual classroom learning, 1:1 mentoring with a TMBC-certified coach, and peer-to-peer coaching to build a solid foundation for becoming a strengths-based coach.December 2, 2023Release 5.31 Notifications ScheduleStandOut users will now have the ability to customize on which days and times they receive email notifications. We're so pleased to be able to deliver reminders and coaching tips to your inbox at a time that is best for you!

Related products:Engagement PulseReportingLeader DevelopmentNotifications & SettingsTranslationsUser Experience / NavigationConversationsSnapshot

Release 5.27 (May 13, 2023)

Happy Release Day, StandOut friends!StandOut 5.27 is live as of Saturday, May 13, 2023, and with this release comes a brand-new area of StandOut called Conversations 💬.  Please read on to learn more about this new feature, as well as several other enhancements coming your way. If you’re curious to know what’s coming next in StandOut, please also check out the Near-Term Roadmap 🚀. 💪🏼 Other fun strengths news for you this cycle includes:Amy Leschke-Kahle, TMBC’s Vice President of Performance Acceleration, shares the importance of reframing how we talk about work, because words and phrases matter. It’s time to stop the spiral of elementary school 🏫 practices in the workplace and "grownupify" work😎. These glimmers are giving us red thread vibes! 💗 Are awards important?🏆 Here's why you should consider them when purchasing tech. Registration is now OPEN for the next Today at Work event, hosted by Marcus Buckingham, ADP Head of People + Performance Research, and Nela Richardson, ADP Research Institute Chief Economist. Sign up today! 🎉 Release Date: May 13, 2023Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:NEW Conversations featureShortcut for updating your Profile PictureVisual enhancements to Assessment Report pageCome To Me When - Updated guidanceAccessibility: Branding color update (for default settings)StandOut Team Member 90-Minute Certification ConversationsNew Feature: Building connections at work Organizations understand the importance of employee connection now more than ever.  We’ve heard from many clients who are looking to help employees feel more connected to their leaders, their teammates, and their colleagues, which in turn helps them feel more connected and engaged in their work.  Great conversations are the foundation of connection, and we’re thrilled to introduce you to a brand-new area of StandOut, which we’ve designed to be a connection hub for all members of your organization.  We’re calling it Conversations, and it will facilitate discussions within and across teams using a strengths-based lens.Watch this short video and read on to learn more: The Conversations homepage features four sections: Interactive Conversations, Conversation Guides, In-Progress Conversations, and Conversations History.  1. Interactive Conversations: Users are guided through an in-platform experience to record and share answers to key questions. The first Interactive Conversation is Milestone Connect, which prompts Team Members and Team Leaders to discuss recent wins, challenges, and the future. Milestone Connect builds upon the weekly Check-In, but with a longer focus and deeper dive, allowing Team Members to be seen in a more meaningful way.Those who have used Milestone Connect in the past will notice that it’s moving from the My Check-In page to Conversations Home with this release. Anyone who prefers the PDF Milestone Connect experience will still be able to access it via the Resource Hub. Interactive Conversations 2. Conversation Guides:  Users will be able to download new interactive PDF guides to assist them in having meaningful conversations. Conversation Guides may be used offline, and some even have links that will take users to other relevant sections of StandOut.  This section will grow over time, and with this release we’ll have Conversation Guides available covering three topics:Our Check-In Partnership: Facilitates a conversation between a Team Member and Team Leader to examine what’s working well and what they may want to adjust in their weekly Check-Ins. Understanding Our StandOut Roles: Guides a discussion through which users can dive deeper in their StandOut Roles and identify how Roles show up in their work.  Connecting with Colleagues: Provides conversation starters to get to know someone in a new way focusing on strengths and StandOut Roles.Conversation Guides 3. In-Progress Conversations: This section shows all Interactive Conversations currently in-progress, which are also visible on the My Check-In page.  If you’d like to close a Conversation before it’s completed, click on the drop down and select “Archive”. This will move the Conversation to the Conversations History section, where it will no longer be editable.  The other person involved in the Conversation will receive a notification of this change. In-Progress Conversations4. Conversations History: All inactive (completed, archived, etc.) Conversations will be shown. Users will be able to view the detail page of the Conversation and download a PDF. Visibility is consistent with Milestone Connect in that Team Members will be able to view content they’ve entered but not content entered by their leader, while Team Leaders will have visibility into all content submitted.Conversations HistoryConversations will be defaulted to “On” for all clients who use Check-Ins. It can be easily found on the Top Navigation panel of your StandOut homepage. Users will see an “About” modal the first time they land on the page, containing details to introduce the feature. If you’d like to turn Conversations off, or turn off just the Interactive Milestone Connect section, please connect with your Client Success Partner. A new Conversations Usage Report will be available with this release, providing practitioners with the ability to quickly track who has and hasn’t completed Conversations, while keeping all other content entered confidential to the related participants.Conversations Usage ReportWith the creation of the Conversations homepage as a centralized location for all In-Progress and Completed Conversations, we’re adjusting some of the notifications previously used within Milestone Connect. The email notification that users previously received once they completed their portion of the Milestone Connect Conversation, providing a link to the detail page, is being removed. Users will now be able to easily access their Milestone Connect details within the Conversations homepage. Additionally, when users click on an Archived notification in the platform they will now be conveniently routed right to the Conversations homepage. StandOut ProfileEnhancement: Profile picture shortcut Looking to update your StandOut Profile Picture?  It’s easier than ever with the addition of a camera icon right on the StandOut home screen, providing another way to make this change. Profile pictures can still be updated from the My Snapshot page too, and clicking on your picture (not the camera icon) will still take you right to My Snapshot—no changes there.Camera icon added for Profile Picture changes StandOut AssessmentEnhancement: My Standout Report We’re making a few visual enhancements to the My StandOut Report area of the desktop platform.  You’ll still have access to all the same insightful information, just with a new look and feel: the purple banner across the top has been replaced with a new starry background, and the “My Pins”, “Download Report”, and “About My StandOut Report” links have been adjusted to be directly below the heading.  SnapshotEnhancement: Come To Me When Statement guidance Existing guidance for the Come To Me When Statement area of the platform is being updated to help differentiate this feature from the upcoming Strengths Statement Builder.Previous description: Offer your strengths to the team by describing activities that invigorate you at work. New description: Which skills and talents would you like to offer up to your colleagues? Let everyone know!Accessibility updateEnhancement: Default branding color We’re updating our default branding color to add more contrast for accessibility purposes. Clients who do not use custom branding may notice this change to a slightly deeper shade of blue, shown below. StandOut branding color update Leader DevelopmentNew Feature: StandOut Team Member Certification  We have a new certification program that will train facilitators to deliver a 90-minute (in-person or virtual) version of StandOut Team Member: a compact and engaging introduction to StandOut’s core strengths concepts. This certification is conducted virtually, in four 2-hour sessions, and is available to any TMBC clients or independent practitioners who have completed the StandOut Debrief Certification as a prerequisite.

Related products:Leader DevelopmentUser Experience / NavigationConversationsSnapshot

StandOut Near-Term Roadmap - May 2023

The items listed below are tentative and intended for directional planning purposes. The details and assigned releases of each item are subject to change at any time. Release dates may also change as needed.June 24, 2023Release 5.28 StandOut Platform French-Canadian Localization AuditAs we continue to expand StandOut globally, we're always working to ensure that our users around the world have the best experience possible. Users who have selected French (Canada) as their StandOut language will notice some updates this release following a full platform localization audit that we're conducting.August 5, 2023Release 5.29 Strength Statement BuilderStrengths are the foundation of StandOut, and we're creating a tool to help users quickly identify existing strengths so they can begin leveraging them to find love in their work. Building Connection through StandOut - WebinarOur Leader Development team will be back on August 23rd with another webinar focused on Connection. Please plan to join us! Details will be shared closer to the date. Conversations Magnet Peer Review EnhancementWe're building a solution for our Healthcare clients that will enable them to satisfy Magnet requirements right in StandOut, eliminating the need to leverage multiple systems.September 16, 2023Release 5.30 StandOut InsightsIn an effort to provide practitioners with better visibility into the meaning and implications of StandOut data, we're creating a new feature called StandOut Insights. This feature will provide you with the story behind your organization's data, surface trends, and share actionable coaching to help you drive employee engagement and StandOut adoption. StandOut Welcome EmailNew StandOut users will be warmly welcomed into the platform with a new automated Welcome Email, sent to them when they are added to your User File. StandOut Strengths Coaching CertificationThe newly revised StandOut® Strengths Coaching Certification, including a deeper dive into TMBC’s strengths coaching model, provides professional coaches with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to coach individuals from a strengths-based perspective. This certification combines virtual classroom learning, 1:1 mentoring with a TMBC-certified coach, and peer-to-peer coaching to build a solid foundation for becoming a strengths-based coach.

Related products:ReportingLeader DevelopmentNotifications & SettingsTranslationsUser Experience / NavigationConversationsSnapshot

Release 5.26 (April 1, 2023)

Hello, StandOut Community!It may be April 1st, but rest assured that this is NOT an April Fool’s joke; we truly are releasing some major enhancements today with StandOut 5.26💥! The much-anticipated Roll-Up Reporting has arrived, giving leaders visibility into key StandOut metrics for teams one level below theirs.  We’re also pleased to share an enhancement to our Discover StandOut series; please read on to learn more about both of these exciting changes. 💪🏼 Other fun strengths news for you this cycle includes:Thinking of getting a new job? TMBC’s Vice President of Performance Acceleration, Amy Leschke-Kahle, shares factors to consider before you make the jump🏃. Thank you to everyone who participated in the encore presentation of the Combating Burnout and Building Workplace Resilience webinar 💻, hosted by TMBC’s Vice President of Leader Develpment, Amy Powell.  If you missed this session or want to listen again, the recording is available here until Friday, April 28th.  Employee churn 🎡 remains high; check out these strategies for retaining talent. Did you know that you can reduce burnout ♨ by helping your employees flourish 💫? Release Date: April 1, 2023Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:NEW Roll-Up ReportingNEW SCORM Wrapping for Educational Content Team Leader DashboardEnhancement: Roll-Up Reporting If you have people reporting to you who also have people reporting to them, chances are you’d like some visibility into StandOut metrics for those teams one level below yours. Leaders have been requesting insight into key StandOut metrics for the teams below them, and we’re thrilled to deliver on this ask with new Roll-Up Reporting capabilities! Click below to watch the short video below and read on to learn more. Roll-Up Reporting empowers leaders of leaders with the data they need to drive engagement within their teams and organizations.  In the past, some leaders were calculating these metrics by manually manipulating several StandOut reports. With this release, leaders will have the data they need right at their fingertips in the Team Leader Dashboard, where they’ll have the option to view data for static teams one level below them. In platform, we’re calling this My Team(s) +1. With this feature turned on, a Roll-Up Reporting toggle will be visible on the Team Leader Dashboard, which can be used to modify the level of reporting shown.  Please note that Roll-Up Reporting is only for static teams. Leaders of dynamic teams won’t have the ability to toggle it on. There’s also a “Learn More” modal that can be clicked for guidance to help users understand this new feature. Roll-Up Reporting toggle and “Learn More” modalRoll-Up Up Reporting will be defaulted to ON for all clients who have static teams and are currently using the Team Leader Dashboard. It will reflect historical data collected for their team and teams one level below (My Team(s) +1). While leaders of leaders will be the only users to actively use this new feature, we hope ALL users will reap the rewards as next-level leaders are better equipped to provide team members with the support and attention they deserve. Leader DevelopmentEnhancement: “Discover StandOut” SCORM eLearning Content The traditional “Discover StandOut” content that currently resides in the Resource Hub is now available in a SCORM wrapping for free for all StandOut technology clients.  This is a techy way of saying that this content has been converted to a format that can communicate with Learning Management Systems (LMS). Organizations will now be able to easily plug this into their own LMS and track content completion.  Use cases will vary by client, however this could be a particularly helpful solution for incorporating StandOut into new hire orientation materials. 🍎📏  

Related products:ReportingLeader Development

Release 5.25 (February 18, 2023)

Hello friends!  StandOut 5.25 went live on Saturday, February 18th, 2023. We’re so excited to share details of the enhancements within this release (more Team Activities, anyone?), but first we have a few fun announcements to share!💬Our brand-new StandOut Community is up and running, giving users like YOU a space to connect, learn more, and participate in future events. Take a moment to read a welcome message, browse knowledge base resources, upcoming events, and ask questions. 💌 Back by popular demand, we are pleased to provide a LIVE encore presentation of Combating Burnout and Building Workplace Resilience. This one-hour webinar was first presented in October 2022, and if you missed it, or want to share the experience with others, another opportunity is coming up on Wednesday, March 22nd at 10:00 a.m. PST, 1:00 p.m. EST. Register here to attend or receive a recording. See you there! 💪🏼 Other fun strengths news for you this cycle includes:The inaugural Today at Work report is LIVE! Learn the truth about pay, what we know about how people feel about their pay, and what kinds of behaviors these feelings relate to - plus, register for Marcus & Nela's upcoming webinar where they discuss the findings from this report! The ADP Research Institute has published findings from the 2022 Global Workplace Study. Key insights include the importance of being part of a team and having flexibility in where you work:  Are you a self-proclaimed data nerd🤓? Do you use data to make business decisions? Or are you just curious to know more? Our founder, Marcus Buckingham, has a new series on data fluency just for you!Release Date: February 18, 2023 Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:Team Activities: 4 NEW ActivitiesStandOut Knowledge Base has a new home!Localization updates for date/time formatsEngagement Pulse: Increased character count for "Custom Guidance" Team Activities Enhancement: 4 NEW Activities You’re more likely to be engaged in your work when you feel close to your coworkers; however, building these relationships within and across teams can be hard to do. StandOut is here to help you connect with your team in even more fun and fresh ways with the addition of four new Team Activities:Exploring What Matters Playing to Our Strengths Celebrating Our Team Looking Toward the FutureAs with "Getting to Know You" (released last year), each new activity allows facilitators to quickly choose from five initial prompts, with the ability to “Load More Questions” to choose from the full list of 30. You’ll notice that these activities tie into some of our key themes in StandOut: values, strengths, recognition, and what’s to come. The new Team Activities will be defaulted to “On”, unless you’ve previously elected to turn the Team Activities feature off. Check out the short video below to learn more and see highlights of a few enhancements that were released in January, or check out the knowledge base article here.🔉 Additionally, we want these Team Activities to be an interactive, yet peaceful way to get to know your colleagues, and we appreciate the feedback that the sounds were a bit too loud. So, we’ve done work to reduce the sound volume as participants enter the lobby and reveal their answers. Hopefully this small improvement will bring some zen to your team building moments. StandOut ‘Help’ Enhancement: Knowledge Base has a new home!  The Knowledge Base has a new home! We’re updating the StandOut “Help” link to route users to the new Knowledge Base location in the StandOut Community, which is also right here where our Release Blog resides. Once there, you’ll be able to access Knowledge Base articles and contact StandOut support, making the StandOut Community space a centralized location for all support resources.Navigating to the new & improved StandOut Knowledge Base StandOut PlatformEnhancement: Localization updates for date/time format As we continue to expand StandOut globally, we’re always working to ensure that our users around the world have the best experience possible. With this release, users who have non-English languages set as their preferred platform language may notice enhancements to the date and time format they’re seeing.  We’ve conducted localization reviews to ensure that dates and times shown in emails, notifications, and throughout the platform are locally correct based on a user’s set platform language. Engagement PulseEnhancement: Custom guidance links StandOut Administrators who link to custom guidance for added Engagement Pulse questions will no longer need to worry about shortening their link URL: the character limit has increased from 250 to 500 characters. Note: Please connect with your Client Success Partner if you wish to add custom guidance.

Related products:Engagement PulseLeader DevelopmentTeam ActivitiesTranslationsUser Experience / Navigation

Release 5.24 (January 7, 2023)

Happy New Year, StandOut community! Wishing you a STRENGTHS-filled 2023 where you can keep bringing your unique best to all that you do! 💙Here at TMBC, we’re kicking off the new year by releasing several enhancements and a brand-new report. StandOut 5.24 went live on Saturday, January 7, 2023; please read on to learn more about all that this latest release brings! 💪🏼 Other fun strengths news for you this cycle includes:2022 was a big year for StandOut, and we’re the proud recipient of 25 new awards! See the prestigious hardware 🏆 adorning our mantel here. Check out this one minute video to learn about empowering teams in a hybrid world 💻. We've all heard about the quiet quitting trend🔇, but have you heard of quick quitting? Learn what it is and how you can avoid it in this Link.Release Date: January 7, 2023Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:Team Activities EnhancementsNEW Team Activities Usage ReportReporting EnhancementsCheck-Ins > Long Term Priorities EnhancementsMilestone Connect > Additional NotificationsEngagement Pulse > Custom Guidance Link Team Activities Enhancement: Multiple updates We are so glad that StandOut users are enjoying Team Activities and we’re committed to making this feature even better based on the feedback you’ve shared.  Five small changes are being included in this release, with some larger additions coming soon. Here’s what’s in the January release:An “About” video will appear to facilitators the first time they land on the Team Activities homepage, explaining the value and purpose of Team Activities. Both facilitators and participants will now see a carousel providing step-by-step guidance on how to either lead or participate in a Team Activity, right on their lobby page. A “Load More Questions” button will allow facilitators to choose from additional questions before starting an activity. Facilitators will now have an option to add time during an activity, with the addition of a new “+1 Minute” button that they may press up to 5 times. Upon activity completion, users will be taken back to the lobby page and see a “Thank You” modal with space to provide feedback, streamlining the overall experience for participants and facilitators.Step-by-step guidance, and “Load More Questions” optionReportingNew Feature: NEW Team Activities Usage Report A new report has been created to give StandOut administrators visibility into how Team Activities are being used across their organization. This will help them to have informed conversations on how and where to better leverage this feature to encourage communication and cohesion across teams.All users with access to Team Activities, Reporting and Usage Reports will automatically see this new report listed. Data included in the export is:Activity ID Facilitator ID and full name Date/time activity was launched and completed Number of participantsTeam Activities - Usage ReportReportingEnhancement: Two updates Some enhancements have been made to the Reporting section of StandOut:All Reports: As reporting filters are applied, subsequent filters will now update to only show values that will return user or team data. Unavailable values will be grayed out. Check-In Adoption Reporting: Users will now have the ability to easily select and view data for specific audiences without having to apply multiple filters. Check-InsEnhancement: Long Term Priorities updates Organizations that have Long Term Priorities turned on will see a couple of enhancements with this release:The character limit has been increased from 2000 to 5000 characters. “Long Tern Priorities” has been added to the Check-In History export, enabling Leaders to easily access them for talent reviews and conversations with Team Members. Exporting Long Term Priorities via Check-In History Milestone ConnectEnhancement: Additional notifications Two Milestone Connect notifications have been added to improve visibility into the Milestone Connect process:When either the Team Member or Team Leader has completed the Milestone Connect reflection, the person who has not completed their portion will receive an in-platform notification indicating that their conversation partner has completed their portion. When both the Team Member and Team Leader have completed the Milestone Connect reflection, they will both receive an in-platform notification and an email indicating that they are ready to have their Milestone Connect conversation. Engagement PulseEnhancement: Custom guidance link option StandOut administrators who add additional questions to the Engagement Pulse will now have the ability to add a hyperlink to extra guidance created by their organization on how to interpret and act on survey results. If added, the links will be displayed for the Team Leader in both the Engagement Pulse Results page and the Engagement Pulse Detailed Report. Note: Please connect with your Client Success Partner if you wish to add custom guidance. 

Related products:Check-InsEngagement PulseReportingTeam ActivitiesMilestone Connect

Release 5.23 (December 3, 2022)

Hello, and welcome to our final product release of the year. 😍 StandOut 5.23 went live on Saturday, December 3, 2022, and it brings two big updates that we hope you’ll love: In July, we released a new look and feel for our Reporting space. Following that, several of you participated in user interviews and shared lots of thoughtful ideas. We’ve addressed many of those with this December release! Thank you again, and look for even more Reporting updates in January. We also released a new & improved digital version of Milestone Connect this cycle, which we’re super jazzed about. We’ve heard from many of you that you’d like to be able to complete and track these conversations in StandOut, and now you’ll have that option! Grab a holiday-themed hot chocolate and scroll down for more details... 💪🏼 Other fun strengths news for you this cycle includes:TMBC's VP of Performance Acceleration, Amy Leschke-Kahle, talks about the risk of over-precision in measuring knowledge-based performance and how working from home has potentially benefited employee engagement in this HR Data Labs podcast. In the midst of this busy holiday season, here's some encouragement from Marcus Buckingham (TMBC namesake and the Head of Research, People + Performance at the ADP Research Institute) to remember the purpose of holiday rituals.Release Date: December 3, 2022Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:Introducing the new and improved, digitized Milestone Connect!Reporting Updates: NEW “Incomplete Performance Pulses” Usage ReportAttention Gap Reporting Update - More guidanceAll Reports Update - Audience viewer bannerAll Reports Update - Easier date selectionEngagement Reporting Update - Updated Global Engagement benchmarksEngagement Reporting Update - Team leader infoEngagement Reporting Update - Custom questions visibilityEngagement Reporting Update - Inactive team leader metadata visibilityUsage Reports - Last updated date/time stampTeam Leader Dashboard - Tool tip added to define Static and Dynamic team terminology Milestone ConnectEnhancement: NEW Digitized version available in StandOut We are pleased to share that Milestone Connect will now be available to complete in a new, digitized format, which will now be fully integrated into the StandOut platform! Building on the connection established by weekly Check-Ins, a Milestone Connect enables a team leader and team member to have a deeper dive strengths-based conversation about the team member's work. It provides an opportunity to reflect on key strengths, wins, and challenges over a longer time period, to develop an even more effective partnership and guide future work. Click the video here to learn more and see both the team leader and team member experience using this new feature.All users who have the Check-In feature enabled can utilize Milestone Connect; please connect with your CS or DC partner to turn it on for your organization.   ReportingNew Feature: NEW “Incomplete Performance Pulses” Usage Report A new Incomplete Performance Pulse Usage Report has been created to identify individuals who have not had a Performance Pulse submitted by their leader within a selected date range.  ReportingEnhancement: Executive Dashboard > Attention Gap updates  Several changes were made to provide context and clarity around data that’s reflected within the Attention Gap card. Both the “Range of Likely Values” tool tip and “Learn More” modal have been updated to further clarify threshold criteria and data included.  ReportingEnhancement: Audience viewer banner For users who are viewing Audience level reporting in any of our reporting areas, we’ve created a banner to make it clear that they may be viewing a restricted data set based on permissions set by their system administrators. ReportingEnhancement: Date Selection Update  Until now, when modifying selected reporting dates, users had to reselect both the start and end date. Thanks to client feedback on this feature, we’ve updated our date pickers to enable users to select and modify reporting start and end dates independently of each other. ReportingEnhancement: Updated Global Engagement benchmarks  Country & Industry benchmark data in Engagement Pulse Reporting has been updated with 2022 ADP Research Institute findings. ReportingEnhancement: Engagement Reporting Update - Team Leader info We’re adding details about the team leader to the results modal header within Engagement Reporting. Previously, this header only showed the team name. With this release, it now also shows the team leader’s name and avatar, top 2 StandOut Roles, Engagement Pulse launch & close dates, and a count of team members invited and that responded to the Engagement Pulse. ReportingEnhancement: Engagement Pulse custom questions visibility  Any custom questions that have been added to an Engagement Pulse and their corresponding results will now be visible in the detailed report for team leaders to reference. ReportingEnhancement: Inactive Team Leader metadata now included in Engagement Pulse results  To allow users to filter historical Engagement Pulse reporting that includes team leaders who have become inactive, we’ve added in their last know metadata values.  This metadata will now be included in exports from the Engagement Pulse and Usage Reports pages in Reporting. ReportingEnhancement: Usage Reports last updated stamp To align with our other reporting pages, we’ve added a ‘Data Calculated on’ label below all individual Usage Reports, reflecting date, time and time zone.ReportingEnhancement: New tool tip added in the Team Leader Dashboard To provide users with clarity on terminology, a tool tip has been added to the Team Filter dropdown in the Team Leader Dashboard, providing definitions for Static Teams and Dynamic Teams.  

Related products:ReportingMilestone Connect

Release 5.22 (October 15, 2022)

Happy release day, all! StandOut 5.22 went live on Saturday, October 15, 2022. You’ll find big updates in both the reporting and leader development spaces, as well as other goodies. Read on to find out more! 💪🏼 Other fun strengths new for you this cycle includes…What is a good job and who has one? Our namesake and the Head of Research, People + Performance at the ADP Research Institute, Marcus Buckingham digs into these questions here on the Harvard Business Review site. With the current talent deficit in our nation, it’s more important than ever for companies to attract and retain the best workers. TMBC’s VP of Performance Acceleration, Amy Leschke-Kahle, shares ways to do that in her latest Fast Company article. Lastly, Marcus’s much anticipated thoughts on how to bring all that we know about StandOut to our kids is available to watch here. “The role of the parent is to see the child and help the child see themselves.” ❤ Release Date: October 15, 2022Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:Introducing the NEW Team Leader Dashboard!Updates to StandOut NowInclusive language updates in the StandOut Assessment and ReportEmojis in StandOut Team Leader DashboardNew Feature: Insights for Team LeadersWith our October release, Team Leaders will experience a newly updated Leader Summary. They’ll see a new dashboard with multiple cards showcasing insights about their team(s), as well as new filtering options. All highlighted data and insights are meant to help drive Team Leaders towards actions they can take in service of their Team Members. Click below to watch a short video walk-through.  Leader DevelopmentEnhancement: StandOut Now Updates Users of StandOut Now will notice a few changes soon after this release. We’re providing not only a fresh look, but an exciting new way to progress through course content directly on the site. We’ve started with the StandOut Strengths Coaching program and will grow from there. Changes can be viewed on and in this brief overview video.  AssessmentEnhancement: Inclusive Language UpdatesWe’ve audited our StandOut Assessment and the Assessment Report for new Assessment takers, with an eye specifically on the use of inclusive language. Emojis in StandOutEnhancement: Emojis can now be used in open text fieldsYou can now use emojis in StandOut when entering information into open text fields in Check-Ins, Surveys, Long Term Priorities, & Come To Me When statements. If you’re accessing StandOut using a mobile device or tablet, simply add emojis directly from your keypad. Otherwise, you can copy/paste emojis into each text field.  

Related products:ReportingLeader DevelopmentAssessmentUser Experience / Navigation

Release 5.21 (September 10, 2022)

It’s that time again! StandOut 5.21 went live on Saturday, September 10, 2022. This time we’re releasing a brand new feature, called Team Activities. Grab a caffeinated beverage of choice and scroll down for more details and other enhancements. 💪🏼 Other fun strengths new for you this cycle includes…This episode of The Hennessy Report in which Marcus Buckingham of the ADP Research Institute shares the early influence of positive psychology in his work, why high-po ratings are bad, and the benefits of a side gig. This article in MIT Sloan Management Review (sign up for the free subscription) where TMBC’s VP of Performance Acceleration, Amy Leschke-Kahle makes the case for dumping traditional performance reviews.  Quote from Trinity Health HR Director Denise Sims James as she describes her company’s use of StandOut in a recent American Healthcare Leader article: “It’s about learning how you celebrate people and leverage their strengths to achieve their full potential. Focusing on those instead of people’s shortcomings helps people connect with what they love, which has a direct influence on our mission, colleague well-being, business outcomes, and retaining our top talent.” 💎 Link to full article here.Release Date: September 10, 2022Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:Introducing Team Activities!Updates to top navigation in StandOutCheck-Ins Priorities drag and drop design updateReporting filtering design updateAdmin view - Universal time zone stamps for Pulses and SurveysDigital StandOut Report navigation enhancement Team ActivitiesNew Feature: Getting to Know You  We know that, as StandOut users, you aim to have an organization full of highly engaged and high-performing teams. Since teams that know each other better work better together, we’ve designed Team Activities to help employees in your organization build more connection and cohesiveness. Our first Team Activity focuses on “Getting to Know You.” It’s a simple, light-touch activity to help teams — or any group — get to know each other better. At TMBC, we’ve had fun using this for newly formed teams, and with existing teams looking to kick off meetings in a fresh way. Click below to watch a quick bite-sized demo video of this new feature, and enjoy! General NavigationEnhancement: Multiple Updates We’ve made a few updates to our top navigation bar this release:Dropdown Menus:  A new “My StandOut” dropdown menu contains links that you’re used to seeing in this area – “My Check-In” and “Coaching Channel”. For your convenience, we’ve also added a shortcut to “My Snapshot” and “My StandOut Report” right here as well.  Navigating left to right, you’ll also see a link for the newly released “Team Activities”. Finally, there is a new “More” dropdown. This contains links to “Reporting”, “Admin” and “Leader Development”. On the upper right side of the screen, you’ll see two additional changes: We’ve moved our “Search” bar up, so that it’s accessible from all main sections of StandOut.  We’ve updated our “Notifications” icon to a more intuitive bell.   Check-InsEnhancement: Priority Drag & Drop The design of our Check-In Priorities drag and drop functionality has been updated to make it more obvious to all users that each Priority card can be re-ordered.  ReportingEnhancement: Reset All Filters A new universal “Reset Filters” option has been added to each of our main reports in Reporting – Check-In Adoption, Engagement and Performance Pulse. Clicking it will remove all filters at once, and reset back to the default view. AdminEnhancement: Universal Time Zone for Engagement Pulses & Surveys To eliminate confusion, we’ve updated all Engagement Pulse and Surveys to have a start and end date in a universal time zone, Pacific Standard Time. Admin users will now see this clearly listed via a date and time stamp in PST for all Engagement Pulse and Survey launch and end dates.  My StandOut ReportEnhancement: Easier Navigation of Digital Report When navigating the digital version of your Assessment Report in StandOut, there are now “Previous” and “Next” buttons to help you easily navigate between pages.  Navigating your digital StandOut Assessment Report 

Related products:Check-InsEngagement PulsePerformance PulseReportingAdminTeam ActivitiesNotifications & SettingsAssessmentSurveysUser Experience / Navigation

Release 5.20 (July 23, 2022)

Hello, friends! StandOut 5.20 went live on Saturday, July 23, 2022. We released our largest batch of reporting enhancements in years, with an eye specifically on enhancing the experience of using our reporting functionality. More info below! 💪🏼 Other fun strengths new for you this cycle includes… A few updates solely featuring our fearless VP of Performance Acceleration, Amy Leschke-Kahle - This article in Fast Company from early summer about why we should retire traditional performance reviews, and  This recent RecruitingDaily podcast episode about the emotional toll of feedback                                       Release Date: July 23, 2022Please note that these release notes delineate the items launched on the date shown above. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Partner or  Click on the links below to jump directly to a specific feature:Introducing three new coaching options within Leader DevelopmentReporting Upgrades with a fresh look and feelTitles now added to landing pages for videosTwo improvements in usability for Engagement Pulses and SurveysEnhancing the Assessment experience Leader Development OfferingsEnhancement: Introducing three new coaching options within Leader Development  We have expanded the recently released Leader Development area of StandOut by adding three new individual coaching offerings: Check-In Conversation explores a team leader's strengths and weaknesses and uses them to develop strategies for boosting the effectiveness of Check-In conversations. Burnout and Resilience examines the topics of burnout and its antidote, resilience, through the eyes of the individual, while developing strategies for thriving. Strengths-Based Career clarifies long-term career objectives and supports individuals on the path to reach them by recognizing and deliberately deploying their strengths.Each of these new options include three 1:1 sessions with one of our expert strengths coaches certified by the International Coaching Federation. Like our other offerings, you can learn more about each one within the Leader Development area by hitting the “Request Info” button.   ReportingEnhancement: Reporting Upgrades with a fresh look and feel We are excited to share some big updates to the Reporting section of StandOut, bringing a more cohesive user experience across the platform. In addition to an updated look and feel, you will find valuable enhancements such as new “By Team” Engagement Pulse reporting, timestamps for when data was last calculated, and an overhaul of Audience functionality. Click below for a walkthrough.Important notes:No changes have been made to existing permissions tied to Reporting  All existing Audiences have remained intact Users will access the refreshed version of Reporting from the same top navigation menu option  StandOut VideosEnhancement: Titles now added to landing pages for videos Titles have been added above all Resource Hub videos for frame of reference while viewing.  Engagement Pulse and Custom SurveysEnhancement: Two improvements in usability Anyone creating custom questions will notice an expanded character allotment for each question, increased to 2000 from the previous limit of 300 characters.Within all Team Data exports, we have changed the column name “TL StandOut User ID” to “TL Client User ID”. This small name change was made to minimize confusion when reviewing that report.  The StandOut AssessmentEnhancement: Enhancing the Assessment experience With the upcoming release, those taking the Assessment will get a few new perks: For all new Assessment takers, regardless of User Type  The Assessment Report will now be conveniently attached the assessment completion email, and can continue to be accessed by downloading from StandOut directly. (Please note, anyone that has already taken the Assessment prior to July 23, 2022 will not receive any additional email communications.) If an Assessment taker attempts to register an account, but already has an active email address in StandOut, they will now be notified and redirected to our login page. New Assessment-Only users are now also eligible to receive weekly coaching tips.  Those taking the Assessment after the release on July 23, 2022 will be automatically opted in to these tips. They can opt out at any time.  Those who took the Assessment prior to the release on July 23, 2022 will have the option to opt in to weekly coaching tips by logging into StandOut and updating their settings. By default, they will remain opted out. 

Related products:Engagement PulseReportingAdminLeader DevelopmentAssessmentResource HubSurveys